Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blackened Salmon and Not Self-Destructing After Eating McDonald's

Life has been a bit crazy the past few weeks. I'm a new Aunt to a beautiful baby boy for starters, so I spent quite a bit of time in Florida trying to help my brother and the new baby get settled. Little Man was a bit early and barely over 4 lbs, so he spent about two weeks in NICU. He is safe and sound at home, growling and gurgling strange noises at all times of the day and night like a creep. Just like his dad if you ask me...

Spending time with my family back in Florida was really wonderful, but man did I fall far from the healthy track when it came to eating and exercising. Fast food, candy, soda... things I haven't really had in well over a year. Partially because of stress and also just a lack of time and options like I have at home (staying with other people leaves you at their mercy sometimes when it comes to food). Of course, these are all just nice sounding excuses. I could have gone grocery shopping, said no to the really unhealthy stuff, etc.

Yet, here we are a week and a half of not-so-great food choices (and did I mention I only exercised once) and I didn't die. I didn't gain 20 lbs. I am not beating myself up. That feels pretty great actually. Rather than spiraling into a self-loathing binge of hateful words ("You always end up here... You're never going to really change... You're gluttonous and slothful and a terrible person...) and more junk food, I made a decision to let it go and start over.

My fledgling meditation practice comes to mind actually. Rather than beat myself up for getting distracted about what I missed on Supernatural last night while meditating and trying to become enlightened, I refocus on my breath, inhale... exhale... repeat. No good comes from berating myself over the past. So rather than get discouraged and give up on living a more balanced, healthy lifestyle I am choosing to refocus.

So, last night I made blackened salmon with a chopped salad (pre-packaged, but no preservatives or weird stuff). It. Was. Amazing. I have a picture, but it does this meal no justice. Obviously, you can pair the salmon with whatever you would like, I am currently craving cabbage, lettuce, and kale like my life depends on it; enter: chopped salad.  

The recipe is super easy and quick:


  • 1 teaspoon Paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Cayenne Powder 
  • 1/2 teaspoon Oregano
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoons Coconut Oil (or whatever cooking oil you like)
  • 2 6 oz salmon fillets
  • Lemon (optional)
  • Mix paprika, cayenne, oregano, salt, and pepper in small bowl. Transfer to flat surface (cutting board, plate, etc.) 
  • Coat flesh side of salmon with seasoning
  • Heat a heavy-bottomed pan or cast iron skillet on medium and add the oil. Once oil is smoking shut heat off and add salmon flesh side down
  • Turn heat on again and cook on medium for 2-3 minutes.
  • Use spatula or tongs to flip fillets to other side and let cook on medium until the skin is crispy (about 5-7 minutes).
  • Place salmon on your fancy (or not so fancy) plate, add some lemon zest/juice and serve immediately
That's it! Super easy, delicious, and you don't even feel guilty for the mouth-watering creation you're about to enjoy.