Saturday, December 5, 2015

100 Questions Day 2: What Do I Need To Say That Others Have Left Unspoken?

This question was a little confusing, but I interpreted it as giving a voice to the things other's should have or couldn't say to me in life. There was a lot of pain in this question, but I also realized how much progress I have made. I don't need to hear these things from any specific person other than myself. I can create my own closure.

Day 2: What do I need to say that others have left unspoken?

It isn't your fault. I tore you down because I don't know how to love myself. You were and are always enough. I took as much as you were willing to give. I lied. And lied. And lied. You were right not to trust me . I didn't value you. I didn't understand how to love you. I am sorry. I never allowed real intimacy. I let you down. I saw you as an opportunity and obstacle most of the time. I blew up our life and always thought I had the power to keep you coming back. You deserve better.

I saw you as an escape from my discomfort. I violated your body, spirit, mind, trust, and you as whole. I am responsible. I am opportunistic and callous. I used you. I am a predator. You didn't ask for it. You are not responsible for my behavior. 

I was insecure and wasn't ready, but the time we had was good.

I did my best and I love you.

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